APPENDIX 1: ABOUT THE MOVIES USING MOVIES IN MATLAB A movie of successive figures can be created in matlab using its built in functions. The information for frame j is saved in column j of a large matrix which is initialized before creating the movie. As a result, matlab allows variables (such as the matrix) to be saved so that it can be retrieved later and played back. Specifics on the matlab commands 'movie', 'getframe' and 'moviein' can be obtained from the matlab help files (help ). One drawback of the movies is that the range of values for the axes is not stored. In the subroutines of the brain program, each time the net is altered (ie. network figure changes), the previous frame is saved. This allows for the complete history of a growing net to be recorded. Since the replay will not show the appropriate (x,y) coordinates of each neuron, it may be important to visualise when a neuron receives an input. The rectangular boxes which select neurons for input can be activated on the network figure (as well as the input field figure). This allows the rectangle to be saved in the previous movie frame. As a result, when playback occurs, the neuron which is to receive input in the next frame can be discerned. All frame saving and matrix updating is done by the brain program after each step. To save a movie (eg. before quitting), clicking on the 'save' button will record all previous steps (note: not current figure) to the default file 'movie.mat' in the matrix M. This filename must be hardcoded in the program due to constraints by matlab, but can be changed by altering the 'saveit.m' file. A word of warning before saving is that these matricies can get very large and take up a huge amount of disk space (70 frames ~ 10 Meg.). However, these files can be compressed using the UNIX 'compress' command, which reduces size by 95+%. To restore a saved movie, it must first be loaded in matlab. The commands described in the following section are described in much more technical detail in the document 'refguide.txt'. Any number of frames can be replayed at any chosen speed. To get an accurate movie, the colour scheme must be changed to 'cool' and to eliminate the false axes, these must subsequently be shut off. Note that before matlab plays a movie, it must first assemble the frames, so it plays through the entire movie once as it compiles the information. Once this has been completed, it will then proceed in playing the movie at the chosen speed for the number of repetitions specified.