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Njud Alotaibi

Time 1:00-1:20, Monday November 27th
Room CLE A311


Spreading Epidemic Disease on Network


The study is an epidemic model, SIR, on a model network. Networks are used in different kinds of studies, such as the study of internet and social networks for a simplified model of global population. We look at SIR as divided into three states, susceptible, infected and removed. Sus- ceptible individuals are those who do not yet have the disease but can be infected. Infected individuals are those who are carrying the disease and make contact at a fixed rate. Removed individuals are those who recover from the disease and are immune. Spreading a disease through a popula- tion of N in a network depends on contact between infective individuals and susceptible individuals. This study focuses on the spreading disease within a network and the branching process for describing the beginning of disease outbreak size. A number of vertices can be infected in a net- work. To understand this, the study uses a function which generates the distribution Pk. The study shows when the disease begins in a network and spreads to each individual who comes into contact with it. After transmission of the disease from initial contact, using the excess degree of a vertex is needed. For each contact between individuals there is a probability that infection is transmitted.