This awk script is used to parse the log file from the simulation program and create a data file for I(t).

<project-file type=“source”/> <content> #!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN{

  FS = ":";
  MaxT = 0;
  col = -1;

} $1 ~ /ODE/ { col = col + 1; } $1 ~ /Run/ { col = col + 1; } $2 ~ /I/ {

  t = $1 * 1;
  if (t > MaxT) MaxT = t;
  Result[$1 * 1, col] = $3 * 1; 

} END{

  for (i = 0; i <= MaxT; i++) {
      printf "%d", i;
      for (j = 0; j<= col; j++)
          printf ", %d", Result[i, j];
      printf "\n";

} </content>