Mathematics 151 F01 and F04 1999

Supplement to course outline given in the course handbooks.

Instructor: Professor E.J. Cockayne

Office: Clearihue D 266

Office Hours: T.B.A.

Not available by phone or e-mail.

Course Website:

Evaluation: Midterm Test 25% (date T.B.A.)

Final Exam 75%


  1. The distribution of grades assigned in each section of a multi-section course must be consistent with the distribution of letter grades achieved by the section on the final examination, or on the common portion of the final examination. This rule must be applied with enough flexibility to permit assigning the same grade to students in the same section who have attained the same Course Score, but with enough rigidity to guard against grade inflation or deflation.
  2. You must read the detailed explanation of how this policy is implemented by going to the URL ( or by picking up a hard copy of Explanation of the Multi-Section Grading Policy of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from the Department office, Clearihue D 240.

  3. Requests for re-evaluation of midterm test marks will only be accepted within 5 working days of the date on which the test is returned to the class.
  4. If you miss the midterm for a legitimate and documented reason, then you will be evaluated 100% on the final exam. There are no make-up tests.
  5. If you miss the final exam for a legitimate and documented reason (note that travel arrangements, holidays etc. do NOT constitute legitimate reasons), then you may apply for deferred status. If this is granted, then you must take the final exam in April 2000.