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data3 = c(118, 124, 126, 118, 124, 136, 145, 140, 172, 172, 206, 236, 239, 197, 189, 161, 162, 160, 158, 158, 142, 142, 142)

t3 = c(0:22)

base3 = c(102.1140, 103.1020, 104.1703, 105.3040, 106.4870, 107.7026, 108.9336, 110.1626, 111.3722, 112.5454, 113.6654, 114.7167, 115.6842, 116.5545, 117.3154, 117.9562, 118.4681, 118.8440, 119.0791, 119.1702, 119.1165, 118.9192, 118.5815)

model_SIR = function(t, theta) {

with(as.list(theta), {
state1 = c(S = N - I1, I = I1)	
pars1 = c(beta = beta1, alpha = alpha1, N = N)

state2 = c(S = N - I2, I = I2)	
pars2 = c(beta = beta2, alpha = alpha2, N = N)
out1 = ode(y = state1, times = t, func = "derivs", parms = pars1, jacfunc = "jac", dllname = "mymod", initfunc = "initmod", nout = 1, outnames = "S")

out2 = ode(y = state2, times = t, func = "derivs", parms = pars2, jacfunc = "jac", dllname = "mymod", initfunc = "initmod", nout = 1, outnames = "S")

	return(cbind(-diff(out1[,"S"]), -diff(out2[,"S"])))


loglik_negbin = function(theta, data, mean) {

# for negative bimonial, mean = r p /(1-p)
r = theta[["r"]];

# if r < 0, return a tiny likelihood
if (r < 0)

sum(dnbinom(x=data, size=r, mu=mean, log=TRUE))


SIR_fit_given_logL = function(times, data, base, theta0, model, logL) { # construct a general negative log-likelyhood function

L <- function()
	# reconstruct the vector of named pairs of 
	# parameters from the list of arguments
	for (i in 1:l) 
		names(item) <- vars[i]
		theta <-c(theta, item)
	N = theta[["N"]]
      if(N < sum(data))
	for(i in 1:length(theta))
		if(theta[[i]] < 0)
	l = model(times, theta)
	#"base" is the vector of baseline values
	mean = l[,1] + l[,2] + base
	# compute the negative log-likelihood
	L = -logL(theta, data, mean)
	# if not a number, return a very small likelihood
	if (is.na(L)) 

# replace the input arguments of L by the list of parameters formals(L)←as.list(theta0) # mle2 # sometimes confint may find a better solution. # In this case we need to refit the model with the better # solution as a starting paoint, because the parameter # names in the returned better fit can be wrong fit = mle2(L, method = “BFGS”, start = as.list(theta0), control = list(maxit = 1e6*length(theta0))) # fit = mle2(L, method = “Nelder-Mead”, start = as.list(theta0), control = list(maxit = 1e6*length(theta0), ndeps = 1e-4, reltol = 1e-10)) # if there is only one parameter to be fitted # the returned confidence interval is a vector # change it to a matrix return(fit) }

SIR_fit = function(times, data, base, theta0, model) {

# we start with negative binomial

if (is.na(theta0['r']))
	theta0 = c(theta0, r = 5000)
while (TRUE) 
	p = SIR_fit_given_logL(times, data, base, theta0, model, loglik_negbin)
conf = confint(p)

	conf = matrix(conf, nrow = 1)


theta0 = coef(conf)
names(theta0) = names(coef(p))


return(list(fit=p, conf = conf, r=coef(p)["r"]))


c = SIR_fit(c(0:23), data3, base3, c(beta1 = 0.3, alpha1 = 0.2, N = (sum(data3)*1.166), I1 = 1, beta2 = 0.3, alpha2 = 0.2, I2 = 1), model_SIR)


aicc = AICc(c"fit", nobs = length(data3))
