Summer Project: Flu Mortality

Baseline Graphs

Ten Years Graph


First Five Years Graph


Second Five Years Graph


Best Model Results

To Do

  1. Create a model that adds 2 SIR epidemic curves with the fitted baseline, and fit to the P&I mortality curve, instead of the excess mortality curve.
  2. Test the new code using mle2, and compare its results to the old code
  3. Test a model with 3 epidemics, and compare these models with AICc
  4. On the cluster, run a sequence of jobs for each season, with 2 different optimization methods ('BFGS' and 'Nelder-Mead'), for both the model with 2 SIR epidemic with different alphas and the one with 2 SIR epidemics and a single alpha value, and models with 3 SIR epidemics
    • For Nelder-Mead, try maxit=1e5 first, if it is worse than BFGS or did not converge, try maxit=1e6 or larger, and decrease the reltol
    • For the 2-SIR+baseline model with 2 alpha parameters, compare the alphas across seasons.


Junling's code using mle2()

Weston's test code for a single SIR epidemic

Weston's code for a double and triple SIR epidemic

1989-1990 Epidemic in Canada (old results)

1992-1993 Epidemic in Canada (old results)

16 Epidemic Models Weekend July 3&4

New Test Code from July 5th

Important Data for the Ten Epidemics

New Code from July 9th

This code restricts all of the parameters to be positive, as well as having N be larger than the total, otherwise it will return a small likelihood (1e10).

I tried using 1/r as the parameter and the mle2 optimizer was not very happy with it, many times giving the response

Error in .local(fitted, …) :

Hessian is ill-behaved or missing,can't find an initial estimate of std. error(consider specifying std.err in profile call)

Error in .local(object, parm, level, …) :

Problem with profiling: Error in .local(fitted, ...) : 
Hessian is ill-behaved or missing,can't find an initial estimate of std. error(consider specifying std.err in profile call)

Calls: SIR_fit → confint → confint → .local Execution halted

1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul 9 (worked)

1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model baseline Different Alpha NM Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model baseline Same Alpha BFGS Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model baseline Same Alpha NM Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 3 SIR model baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 3 SIR model baseline Different Alpha NM Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 3 SIR model baseline Same Alpha BFGS Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

1989-1990 Epidemic 3 SIR model baseline Same Alpha NM Jul 9 (did not work, “Execution halted”)

I think all of these other models did not work because I changed the starting values to reflect the good values that seemed to be working with the

“1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul 9”.

Additionally, I started the parameter r at for all the others 760, whereas I started r at 2 for the model that worked. I think it's probably better to let the optimizer “find” the value of r, than make it so high initially.

C code (July 16th Update)

SIR equations written in C code

SIR Equations in C

Test code in R to make sure the SIR equations in C returned the same values as if they were written in R.

Test code for SIR Equations in C

The code is correct as evidenced by the results of the test code.

Results of the Test Code for SIR Equations in C

Method for Even Faster C Code (ode solver also in C using gsl)

SIR Equations and ODE Solver in C

Test code for SIR Equations and ODE Solver in C

Unfortunately, the above test code does not work. The same error is repeated

Error in dyn.load(“”) :

unable to load shared library '/home1e/wcr/':
/home1e/wcr/ undefined symbol: gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45

Execution halted

It appears that other people have had this problem too with linking the gls library from C code to R code.

The PDF below for linking is good but complicated and in C++ rather than C.

I tried

$ PKG_LIBS = “-L/user/local/lib/libgsl -lgsl” R CMD SHLIB SIR_solver.c

on the command line and nothing happened. I know that gsl is installed on the “euler”.

Thanks for your help! Wes

C code (July 19th Update)

1989-1990 Epidemic in Canada

Result with Poisson distribution after r > 10,000:

Result from 1989-1990 epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul 9

Code for the model with only the Negative Binomial option:

Code for 1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Neg Bin

Result with only Negative Binomial option:

Result 1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Neg Bin

July 16th

Code for the model using C code with Poisson distribution after r > 10,000 (same code as Jul 9th model with new faster C code):

Code for 1989-1990 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS (poi/neg C code)

Result using C code with Poisson distribution after r > 10,000:

Result 1989-1990 epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul (poi/neg C code)

July 19th (very quick to finish 3 and 1/2 hours versus 3-4 days with July 16th code)

Code for the model using lsoda, Jacobian, and C code with Poisson distribution after r > 1,000,000:

Code for 1989-90 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS (poi/neg fast C code)

Result using very fast C code with Poisson distribution after r > 1,000,000:

Result 1989-1990 epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul (poi/neg fast C code)

Code for the model using lsoda, Jacobian, and C code with only Neg. Bin. distribution:

Code for 1989-90 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS (neg fast C code)

Result using very fast C code with only Neg. Bin. distribution:

Result 1989-1990 epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Different Alpha BFGS Jul (neg fast C code)

AICc value 175.1937

Best so far

July 21st

Code for 1989-90 Epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Same Alpha BFGS (neg fast C code)

Result 1989-1990 epidemic 2 SIR model Baseline Same Alpha BFGS (neg fast C code)

AICc value 169.8512

July 28th

NA value(s) in the CI

Code for 1989-90 Epidemic 3 SIR model Baseline Same Alpha BFGS (neg fast C code)

Result 1989-1990 epidemic 3 SIR model Baseline Same Alpha BFGS (neg fast C code)

AICc value 182.0587

1990-1991 Epidemic in Canada

1991-1992 Epidemic in Canada

1992-1993 Epidemic in Canada

1993-1994 Epidemic in Canada

1994-1995 Epidemic in Canada

1995-1996 Epidemic in Canada

1996-1997 Epidemic in Canada

1997-1998 Epidemic in Canada

1998-1999 Epidemic in Canada